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Refund Policy & Procedure

When a student withdraws from a course, Cavenagh Institute will refund the fees paid by the student according to the following Refund Policy:


Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:
Cavenagh Institute will inform the student in writing within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

  1. It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;

  2. It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;

  3. It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;

  4. It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;

  5. It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A of the Private Education Institution (PEI)-Student Contract within any stipulated timeline set by Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG); or


Conditions under which a course may be cancelled include:

  • Failure to reach a minimum class size of 10 at the time of the commencement date

  • De-registration of the course with SSG

  • Any other circumstances under which Cavenagh Institute is unable to run the course.


The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.


Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:

If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course (i) to (vi), Cavenagh Institute will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the Refund Table in Schedule D of the PEI-Student Contract.


Refund During Cooling-Off Period:

The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Refund Table in Schedule D of the PEI-Student Contract) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.


Sums to be refunded:









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Non-Refundable Fees

No refund shall be made for the application fee.


Deemed Withdrawal (Transfer)

A student who transfers from the course to another course within Cavenagh Institute, for the purposes of refund, is deemed to have withdrawn from the course and the provisions of Clause 2.2 of Standard PEI-Student Contract shall apply. Once the request for Transfer is approved, any unconsumed fees of the existing course (if any) may be refunded and used to pay for the new course. Any excess course fees shall be refunded as per the Refund Policy.


Refund Procedure

  • After receiving a written notice of withdrawal and/or an approval of Request for Transfer/Withdrawal/Deferment and/or withdrawal during ‘Cooling-Off period’ (if applicable), the refund amount is calculated.

  • A refund cheque is prepared.

  • Student will be notified to collect refund.

  • In the event that the student is unable to collect the refund in cheque form, refund may be made by telegraphic transfer based on the bank account information provided by the student.

  • Refund must be processed within 7 working days from the receipt of the written notice of withdrawal and/or request for withdrawal from the student.


Refund Policy & Procedure (Short Term Programme and Corporate Training)


Short Term Programme and Corporate Training courses are defined as courses with duration of not more than 30 days or 50 hours and which have been granted waiver from EduTrust requirements.


Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:

Cavenagh Institute will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

  1. It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;

  2. It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;

  3. It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;

  4. It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;

  5. It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation within any stipulated timeline set by SSG; or


Conditions under which a course may be cancelled include:

  • Failure to reach a minimum class size of 10 at the time of the commencement date

  • De-registration of the course with SSG

  • Any other circumstances under which Cavenagh Institute is unable to run the course.


The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.


Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons: 

If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course (i) to (v), Cavenagh Institute will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the Sums to be refunded (Short Term Programme and Corporate Training).


Sums to be refunded:



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Non-Refundable Fees

Not applicable.


Deemed Withdrawal (Transfer)

There will be strictly no transfer for any short-term programme enrolled.


Refund Procedure

  • After receiving a written notice of withdrawal and/or an approval of Request for Transfer/Withdrawal/Deferment and/or withdrawal during ‘Cooling-Off period’ (if applicable), the refund amount is calculated.

  • A refund cheque is prepared.

  • Student will be notified to collect refund.

  • In the event that the student is unable to collect the refund in cheque form, refund may be made by telegraphic transfer based on the bank account information provided by the student.

  • Refund must be processed within 7 working days from the receipt of the written notice of withdrawal and/or request for withdrawal from the student.



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