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Academic & Examination Boards

The Academic Board is responsible for the development and review of policies and procedures covering all academic areas. Tasked with the maintenance of the high academic standards set here in Cavenagh Institute, the Academic Board has the important task of being fully involved in all important academic decisions and constantly finding ways to improve on our outstanding academic excellence.


The main role of the Examination Board is to develop and implement sound examination and assessment procedures to ensure the highest academic standards and fairness. These include the conduct of examinations, security of examination papers, duties of invigilators and markers, moderation of marks and handling of student appeals.

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Professor David Hawker

University of Durham



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Mrs Belinda Charles
Principals Academy


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Professor Chang Yu-Ju

National Chi Nan University



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Professor Emerita Katherine Diana Perez

Saint Mary's College of California



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Dr Roy van den Brink-Budgen

Principals Academy



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